Write A Letter To Your Mother Describing The Place Which You Like Most (2024)

English High School


Answer 1


i don't understand the question im sorry:/


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Question 16 of 25
Click to read "Ain't I a Woman?" by Sojourner Truth. Then answer the question.
Which best explains why Truth repeats the question "Ain't I a woman?" in the
second paragraph of this speech?
A. To contradict her main argument
B. To help build momentum in her speech
C. To supply data that supports her argument
D. To set an angry tone


The correct answer is B. To help build momentum in her speech


In speeches, the momentum refers to the strength or impact the speech has on the audience, which makes the speech memorable. In the case of "Ain't I a Woman" by Sojourner Truth, the main purpose of the speech is to show women are equal in ability, skills, etc. than men, and therefore, they deserve equal rights and treatment. One way the author supports this, is by using the question "Ain't I a Woman?" to demonstrate she does the same things men do, despite men say women need help to do the same things or do not have the abilities. Moreover, the use of this question over and over creates the momentum as this question shows the strength of Truth argument. Thus, option B is correct.




Read this excerpt from "Choreographers of Matter, Life, and Intelligence."With these three fundamental discoveries, triggered by the quantum revolution, the DNA revolution, and the computer revolution, the basic laws of matter, life, and computation were, in the main, finally solved.What is the author’s purpose for including this statement?



to provide evidence that the age of discovery is concluding


The author’s purpose for including this statement of the above excerpts from Choreographers of Matter, Life, and Intelligence is to provide evidence that the age of discovery is concluding.

Choreographers of Matter, Life, and Intelligence was written by a physicist and author Michio Kaku who critically examines the great scientific revolutions that have dramatically remodeled the twentieth century–the quantum mechanics, biogenetics, and artificial intelligence–and shows how they will metamorphose and alter science and the way humans live.

What actually makes Michio Kaku’s vision of the science of the future so captivating and so distinct from just mere forecasts of most thinkers is that it is derived from a groundbreaking research taking place in labs today, as well as the harmony or the like-mindedness of over 150 of Kaku’s scientific colleagues. Science, for all its magnificent change, progressed slowly; we can correctively predict, asserts Kaku, what exactly the direction of science will be in the future based on the tracks that are being forged in the present.


(B) to provide evidence that the age of discovery is concluding


With these three fundamental discoveries, triggered by the quantum revolution, the DNA revolution, and the computer revolution, the basic laws of matter, life, and computation were, in the main, finally solved.

Read the excerpt from "Ain't I a Woman?" by Sojourner Truth.


Which excerpt and whats the question


What type of languages attaches prefixes or suffixes to denote different meanings to words?


isolating languages


amalgamating languages


inflexional languages


agglutinating languages



I think Its A... not sure or its maybe C.


D.agglutinating languages

Explanation:Trust me i got it right the other guy is wrong

In Uprising, what are Bella's impressions of the city?




Bella and Yetta are at work and Jane is visiting the factory on March 25, 1911, when a spark ignites piles of cloth 125 layers thick, being ready to use when they come back to work on the following Monday, and the building is engulfed in fire, leading to one of the worst workplace disasters in history. In the end, only Bella lives.

Read the excerpt from Martin Luther King Jr.’s "I Have a Dream” speech. And so let freedom ring from the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire. Let freedom ring from the mighty mountains of New York. Let freedom ring from the heightening Alleghenies of Pennsylvania. Let freedom ring from the snow-capped Rockies of Colorado. Let freedom ring from the curvaceous slopes of California. But not only that: Let freedom ring from Stone Mountain of Georgia. Let freedom ring from Lookout Mountain of Tennessee. Let freedom ring from every hill and molehill of Mississippi. From every mountainside, let freedom ring. The most likely reason King uses allusions in this part of his speech is to share his knowledge of American geography. compare Northern and Southern destinations. remind listeners about small-town accountability. encourage listeners to envision freedom everywhere.



encourage listeners to envision freedom everywhere.


The most likely reason King uses allusions in this part of his speech is to encourage listeners to envision freedom everywhere.

The popular "I Have A Dream" speech made by Martin Luther King was primarily about his vision for the freedom and job availability for the black people and equality.

He made use of allusions and metaphors to let his listeners understand the way the blacks were treated in society and why there was an urgent need for equality, desegregation, civil rights, and freedom, amongst others.

He was passionately appealing to his listeners to envision freedom everywhere.




Roosevelt’s Executive Order No. 9066 was based on


The correct answer is C, or the assumption that Japanese Americans posed a threat to national security.

Just got it right on the test review, hope this helps!! :)

Roosevelt's executive order no. 9066 was based on the assumption that Japanese Americans posed a threat to national security.

What is executive order no.9066?

Executive Order 9066 was a United States presidential executive order signed and issued during World War II by United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt on February 19, 1942.

This order authorized the secretary of war to prescribe certain areas as military zones, clearing the way for the incarceration of nearly all 120,000 Japanese Americans during the war. Two-thirds of them were U.S. citizens, born and raised in the United States. Notably, far more Americans of Asian descent were forcibly interned than Americans of European descent, both in total and as a share of their relative populations.

Those relatively few German and Italian Americans who were sent to internment camps during the war were sent under the provisions of Presidential Proclamation 2526 and the Alien Enemy Act, part of the Alien and Sedition Act of 1798.

Learn more about order, here:



Read the passage. Ten war relocation centers were built in remote deserts, plains, and swamps of seven states; Arkansas, Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Utah, and Wyoming. Manzanar, located in the Owens Valley of California between the Sierra Nevada on the west and the Inyo mountains on the east, was typical in many ways of the 10 camps. Which statement best identifies the central idea of this passage? A. The relocation centers were hastily built.
B. The relocation centers were crowded.
C. The relocation centers were all modeled after Manzanar.
D. The relocation centers were all fairly similar.



A) The relocation centers were hastily built


the recollection centers were hastily built


Read the sentence. After going over the attendance data, I have learned that twenty percent of our students are calling in sick every day, and it would be good to do something to stop this problem. Which appeal is the speaker using in the sentence?


Hey there!

There are three main types of appeal in a sentence. These are also known as modes of persuasion. They are logos, ethos, and pathos.

Logos is appealing to someone based on logic, facts, and statistics.

Ethos is appealing to someone based on one's credibility or experience when giving a statement. An example of using ethos could be quoting a psychologist's opinion on what causes depression in teens.

Pathos is appealing to someone based on emotions and feelings, usually in a sentimental or dramatic story.

In our situation, we see that the teacher uses a number: 20%. This makes it a statistic, so the appeal used is logos. This statistic can be used to back up that many people are calling in sick and that the problem needs to be solved.

Have a wonderful day!


logos, an appeal based on logic and reason The answer is B


Question #2: Does the VERB agree with the SUBJECT in this sentence? The whole team were laughing and shouting with joy. A.Yes B.No



B. No.


The correct answer: The whole team was laughing and shouting with joy

The verb does not agree with the subject. For words like team, family, couple, etc. they are taken as one.

Example: The family was moving to a new country.




The subject is 'team,' which is a collective noun. Collective nouns require a singular verb.

Other words like this are:





Identifying Gerunds, Participles and Infinitives
Directions: Read each of the following sentences to determine whether the sentence contains a gerund,
participle, or infinitive. At the left of the number, write G, P, or I.
1) Facing college standards, the students realized that they hadn't worked hard enough in
high school.
2) Swimming in your pool is always fun.
3) The college recommends sending applications early.
4) Mrs. Sears showing more bravery than wisdom invited thirty boys and girls to a party.
5) To be great is to be true to yourself and to the highest principles of honor.
6) He won the game by scoring during the overtime period.
7) Jim is expected to program computers at his new job.
8) Her most important achievement was winning the national championship.
9) Going to work today took all my energy.
10) The student left in charge of the class was unable to keep order.
11) The president wants to use nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.
12) Fighting for a losing cause made them depressed.
13) Getting up at five, we got an early start.
14) Telling your father was a mistake.
15) The crying boy angered by the bully began to fight.
16) Applicants must investigate various colleges learning as much as possible about them before applying for admission.
17) Statistics reported by the National Education Association revealed that seventy percent of American colleges offer remedial English classes emphasizing composition.



1. G

2. G

3. G

4. P

5. I

6. G

7. I

8. P

9. G

10. P

11. P

12. G

13. P

14. G

15. I

16. G

17. P


Which book citations are formatted correctly


The basic form for a book citation is: Last Name, First Name. Title of Book. City of Publication, Publisher, Publication Date.

We work together to contain the present pandemic. (write in simple future tense)​



we will work together to contain the future pandemic


we will work together to contain the pandemic that is yet to come.



How do the animals feel when the egg hatches into a turtle?

Which word, if translated into English from another language , would have the most negative connnotation? A.) funny B.) ridiculous 3.) silly 4.) hilarious


If translated into English from another language , would have the most negative connotation word is ridiculous . Therefore, option B is correct.

What is connotation ?

Any given word or phrase carries a connotation in addition to its denotation, which is its explicit or literal meaning. A connotation is a generally accepted cultural or emotional relationship. Regarding its pleasant or unpleasant emotional link, a connotation is typically classified as either positive or negative.

Connotation is the use of a word to imply a different association from its denotative, or literal, meaning. For instance, the phrase "She's feeling blue" refers to a state of grief as well as the color blue. Connotations may be neutral, negative, or positive.

In writing, connotation aids in creating the atmosphere or environment. There are several implications, which guide the readers.

Thus, option B is correct.

To learn more about connotation, follow the link;



Place the steps of the freewriting technique in the correct order. 1. Discard ideas that don’t relate to the purpose. 2. Write whatever ideas come to mind. 3. Set a time limit or a page limit.





after you come up with the ideas for the story you discard the ones that don´t relate to the story then set a time or page limit.

The answer is~




How horrible it would be . . . if she were condemned to be the plain, shy Millicent of a few years back.


it is an example of direct characterization. The character is described as plain and shy in a very straight-forward manner

Please help me in my homework. White commas (,) where needed. 1. I wouldn't get better grades if I studied more. 2. We would win more game if we practiced soccer more. 3. If I did my homework more quickly I would have more time to watch TV. 4. If Jenny lost her rabbit's foot she would have good luck.




I wouldn't get better grades, if I studied more.

We would win more games, if we practiced soccer more.

If I did my homework more quickly, I would have more time to watch TV.

If Jenny lost her rabbit's foot, she would have good luck.

How does this passage develop the overall claim about
social media and the spread of information?
O It demonstrates how social media has little power in
sharing news due to the limited number of users.
O It demonstrates how social media users need to be
careful because reported news often is not
O It demonstrates how social media is the best source
for breaking news because it is highly accurate,
O It demonstrates how social media has the capacity
to spread information faster than traditional outlets.


Answer: The answer is D. It demonstrates how social media has the capacity to spread information faster than traditional outlets.




Pick out the phrase from the following sentence. (a) I tried to get the sum right.*

1 point

to get

tried to get

to get the sum right

please give the answer as fast as you can

please ​



think its tried to get



What is the best approach to recording source information during the research process?

Memorize the most important information about each source.

Create a note card for each source, listing key publication details.

Wait until it's time to cite your sources--then search for them again.

Store copies of all sources you find on a shelf or in a backpack.


The correct answer is B. Create a notecard for each source, listing key publication details.


The research process normally implies looking and reading multiple resources that help you answer the main research question or prove the research hypothesis. Due to this, in research, it is essential to record key information about relevant sources.

Moreover, the most practical and recommended method for this, are note cards, which allow the researcher to register key useful information of each source and organize this based on the topic. This has multiple advantages because it is not necessary to remember all information or read each source over and over. Also, this helps the researcher to makes the process of citing and writing the research paper more efficient.


Create a note card for each source, listing key publication details.


Note cards are used to store information about sources that will help you and your readers find the sources later.

I have no idea if my answer is correct.



the answer is correct


the chosen answer is correct


Have you considered answer choice B?


During the party for Billy and Valencia’s eighteenth wedding anniversary, Billy is greatly upset by the barbershop quartet (219-30; 172-80 in the shorter edition). Summarize what happens to him in this moment and why. What do you think Vonnegut is saying about the nature of memory in this section of the book (and indeed throughout the book)?


This question is incomplete, here´s the complete question.

Read Slaughterhouse-Five, by Kurt Vonnegut.

During the party for Billy and Valencia’s eighteenth wedding anniversary, Billy is greatly upset by the barbershop quartet (219-30; 172-80 in the shorter edition). Summarize what happens to him in this moment and why. What do you think Vonnegut is saying about the nature of memory in this section of the book (and indeed throughout the book)?


The barbershop quartet reminds Billy of the German officers when they saw the destruction caused by the bombing of Dresden. Billy breaks down and realizes he has some "big secret" inside. Vonnegut´s ideas about the nature of memory appear in Billy´s suppressing his emotion during the war, to end up having his later civilian life shape by what happened there.


Traumatized by the horrors of war, Billy´s memory constantly takes him into vivid flashbacks, showing that he hasn´t truly processed what he has gone through.

Which of the following effect can not be produced by an unbalanced force acting on a body?

change in speed of the body
change in shape of the body
change in state of rest of the body​


change in shape of the body

Which example most clearly describes part of a rhetorical situation? A.The rhetorical appeals a speaker makes to show his authority B. An elaborate analogy that illustrates a complicated proposal C. Students who are listening to a guest speaker in history class Constant logical fallacies that undermine a politician’s point





Who are listening to a guest speaker in history class

The correct answer is option C: Students who are listening to a guest speaker in history class.

Rhetorical situation

The nature of speech can be defined in five categories: purpose, audience, topic, author, and context. These sections work together to better define the conditions and conditions of the text, which, when properly understood, help you make wise writing choices in your work.

What example most clearly describes the part of a rhetorical situation?

The most clearly describes part of a Rhetorical situation is students who are listening to a guest speaker in history class.

Hence, the correct answer is option C.

Learn more about the Rhetorical situation on https://brainly.com/question/4921217


what write about commercial pless help



The Commercial Press is the first modern publishing organisation in China. it is Founded on February11, 1897. its products are books newspaper, magazines etc

Which of the following quotes from the novel supports the idea that the soldiers feel like they aren't getting a lot of official information from the military? A. "Most of what we learned was from the television news." B. "CENTCOM is trying to figure out what happened to the 507th." C. "The sergeant repeated what Ahmed said into his radio." D. "We weren't at the front of the action and I was glad of tha



A. "Most of what we learned was from the television news." Is the answer I'm leaning most towards.


If they aren't getting official information from the military, they have to be getting other information from a different platform.

<3 Kweenie.

P.S., I hope this is correct and that it helps you! :D

Which word is an example of a demonstrative adjective?





These are demonstrative adjectives:

this, that, these, those




In no less than seventy-five words, explain the differences between the terms irony and rhetorical device.


rhetorical device uses words in a certain way to convey meaning or persuade. also used to invoke emotions in reader. irony is contrast between expectation and reality. what something appears to mean vs what it LITERALLY means (i.e. situational irony - getting a result that is the opposite of what was expected)

Correct the statement below.
As a result of a supernova explosion, every human being on Earth was bombarded on February 23, 1987, by about 100 billion neutrinos; fortunately, neutrinos are harmless elementary particles that are produced in nuclear reactions and that interact very weakly with matter.
(A) neutrinos are harmless elementary particles that are produced in nuclear reactions and that
(B) neutrinos, which are harmless, are elementary particles produced in nuclear reactions and which
(C) neutrinos are harmless elementary particles produced in nuclear reactions and which
(D) these harmless elementary particles are produced in nuclear reactions, and neutrinos
(E) these elementary particles, harmless products of nuclear reactions, are neutrinos that



A. neutrinos are harmless elementary particles that are produced in nuclear reactions and that


The underlined sentence starts from "neutrinos are harmless elementary particles that are produced in nuclear reactions and that".

A) neutrinos are harmless elementary particles that are produced in nuclear reactions and that

(B) neutrinos, which are harmless, are elementary particles produced in nuclear reactions and which. NOT CORRECT

(C) neutrinos are harmless elementary particles produced in nuclear reactions and which

(D) these harmless elementary particles are produced in nuclear reactions, and neutrinos OBVIOUSLY NOT CORRECT

(E) these elementary particles, harmless products of nuclear reactions, are neutrinos that NOT CORRECT

Options B, D, and E are out leaving us with options A and C

C would be have been correct if it wasn't in agreement with the underlined statement.

it should have been written as, "particles which were produced in nuclear reactions and which". Instead of

"neutrinos are harmless elementary particles produced in nuclear reactions and which"

This only leaves us with A as the correct answer.

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Write A Letter To Your Mother Describing The Place Which You Like Most (2024)
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Name: Rubie Ullrich

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.