How Large is the Sovereign Greenium? (2024)


This paper assembles a comprehensive sovereign green bond database and estimates the sovereign greenium. The development of green bond markets has been one of the most important financial breakthroughs in the domain of sustainable finance during the last 15 years. A central benefit associated with green bonds has been that they exhibit a positive green premium (greenium), i.e., a lower yield relative to a similar conventional bond. Yet, issuances at the sovereign level have been relatively recent and not well documented in the literature. We find that green bonds are issued at a relatively small premium (4 basis points on average) in Advanced Economies. Yet, importantly, the greenium is growing over time and is considerably larger (11 basis points on average) for Emerging Market Economies.

1 Introduction

Financial markets will play a catalytic role in financing the adaptation and mitigation to climate change. Maltais and Nykvist (2020) show that green bonds in the private sector have become the most prominent innovations in the field of sustainable finance in the last fifteen years.1 The literature often cites the bond issued by the European Investment Bank in 2007 as the first green bond (Cortellini and Panetta, 2021, OECD, 2021). Since then, international organizations, municipalities, and private sectors have increased the issuance. Yet, the issuances at the sovereign level have been relatively recent and not well documented in the literature. Until 2015, although the annual total issuance of green bonds had reached $40 billion, no issuance by central governments was recorded. In 2016, building on the momentum of the Paris Agreement adopted in 2015, Poland became the first issuer of sovereign green bonds. The issuance of these instruments could provide an additional source of stable financing with more favorable market access conditions, mitigate the stress of climate risks on public finances and facilitate the transition to greener low-carbon economies.

A central benefit associated with green bonds has been labeled as the green premium (greenium).2 When a green bond exhibits a lower yield compared to a similar conventional bond without the green label, the green bond is said to exhibit positive greenium. Theoretically, the greenium can take either positive or negative signs. On one hand, the issuance amount and liquidity are smaller than conventional bonds, which could lead to a negative greenium. On the other hand, environmental, social, and governance investors’ demand for green bonds and more information on the use of proceeds can justify a positive greenium. Thus, whether sovereign green bonds are issued and traded at a positive greenium is an empirical question.

Given that the issuance of green bonds at the sovereign level is a recent phenomenon, the literature analyzing their pricing is scarce and, to our knowledge, there are no comprehensive empirical studies of the sovereign greenium. This paper fills this gap and estimates the sovereign greenium using a comprehensive sovereign green bond database. First, we focus on the twin bonds issued by Denmark and Germany with the explicit purpose of measuring the greenium. The twin-bond analysis reveals that the greenium has been on average positive but small (around 3 bps), and even negative for some periods. Second, we compile a dataset of conventional and green bonds for the rest of the countries that did not issue twin bonds, and use it to estimate the greenium through panel regression analysis. In line with the results from the twin bonds, we find that the average greenium is small and positive (around 4 bps). However, we find significant variation in the estimated greenium depending on the country’s stage of development and the currency of the bond: the estimated greenium is larger in developing economies and in foreign currency-denominated bonds. Finally, our analysis suggests that the greenium has been increasing over time. These results are consistent with those in Baker et al. (2022), who analyze the pricing of U.S. corporate and municipal green bond markets.

The rest of the article proceeds as follows. Section 2 presents the greenium for twin bonds. Section 3 presents the regression analysis and greenium estimates. Section 4 concludes.

2 Twin Bonds

Germany has issued twin bonds since 2020 to provide a benchmark of greenium. Twin bonds consist of a conventional bond and a green bond that share the same maturity date and coupon. The main difference is that the use of proceeds from the green bond is limited to green projects. They are, however, also different in that the green bond’s issuance volume is smaller, and the issuance date is later. For example, in the twin bonds with maturity in 2030, the conventional bond was issued in August 2019 with a size of €30 billion, while the green bond was issued in May 2021 with a size of €6 billion. Through the issuance of twin bonds, Germany aims to establish the yields of green Federal securities as the reference for the Euro green finance market (German Finance Agency, 2022).

Table 1 presents the distribution of the sovereign greenium for all the twin bonds that have been issued so far. It shows that Germany’s greenium is on average between 2 to 4 bps. As of October 2022, four German twin bonds are on the market with a maturity date in 2025, 2030, 2031, and 2050. Coupons are zero for all bonds. Figure 1 shows that, although the greenium is mostly positive, it can turn negative when the yield dives, as can be seen in the twin bonds with maturity in 2030. Interestingly, the negative greenium does not happen in all maturities, although the time series of yield to maturity shares a similar pattern.

How Large is the Sovereign Greenium? (1)

How Large is the Sovereign Greenium? (2)

How Large is the Sovereign Greenium? (3)

Twin bonds

Citation: IMF Working Papers 2023, 080; 10.5089/9798400235160.001.A001

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Table 1.

Greenium (bps) of the 5 twin bonds.

How Large is the Sovereign Greenium? (4)

Table 1.

Greenium (bps) of the 5 twin bonds.


Table 1.

Greenium (bps) of the 5 twin bonds.


Following Germany’s model, Denmark issued twin green bonds in January 2022.3 Figure 1 shows that the first month recorded nearly 5 basis points of greenium, but it has been in a downward trend afterwards, and the sign sometimes turns negative in 2022Q3. Table 1 shows that the average sovereign greenium for the case of Denmark is 3 bps.

3 Panel Data Analysis

Since twin bonds are not available in other countries, greenium needs to be estimated with a different approach. In this exercise we estimate greenium using panel regression analysis, comparing the differences in the yield of green and conventional bonds. This section presents data sources, summary statistics of green versus conventional bonds, regression specification, and empirical results.

3.1 Data sources

Green bond data and local-currency-denominated conventional bond data are from Eikon. Conventional Eurobond data are from the IMF Sovereign Spread Monitor.

3.2 Summary statistics

The sample includes 23 green bonds issued by 15 countries. Note that although there are 56 sovereign green bonds in the raw sample, only 23 green bonds are included in the estimation as we require the country to have issued a conventional bond denominated in the same currency as of the green bond. That is, if a country has issued a USD-denominated green bond but does not have an outstanding USD-denominated conventional bond, the green bond is dropped from the sample. Out of the 23 green bonds, the minimum maturity is 5 years, the maximum is 32 years, and 19 bonds have a maturity longer than 10 years. The conventional bond counterparts for each country in the sample are selected to cover the relevant years. The minimum maturity for conventional bonds is set as the minimum of the green bond minus 7 years, and the maximum maturity is set as the maximum of the green bond plus 7 years.

The final sample comprises 189 conventional bonds and 23 green bonds issued by 15 countries. 17 green bonds are denominated in euros by 11 countries, three green bonds are denominated in US dollars (issued by Chile and Egypt), and two green bonds issued by the UK and one by Sweden are denominated in their local currencies.

Annex Table 3 shows the summary statistics of issuance size, yield-to-maturity, spread, and maturity of the green and conventional bonds in the sample, separately for advanced economies (AEs) and emerging market and developing economies (EMDEs). Annex Table 4 shows the statistics for euro-denominated bonds. Below we document some of the most salient features we observe in our sample:

  • Issuance size. Sovereign green bond issuance is still relatively small, about 2 percent of the total sovereign bond issuance in Eikon (2018-2020 average), including both sovereign green and conventional bonds. Nonetheless, the share is growing significantly from 2.6 percent in 2018 to 3.2 percent in 2021. The share of green bond issuance and the growth are larger in the EMDEs than in AEs.

  • Maturity. The average maturity is longer for green bonds: 17 years for green bonds and 12.2 years for conventional bonds (Annex Table 5). This pattern is consistent with the idea that green bonds can help countries extend the maturity profiles of their debt. The long maturity is in line with the long-term payoff profile of green investments. The longer maturity of green bond debt is more pronounced in EMDEs, with a difference of almost 6 years.

  • Yield. The summary statistics already indicate the presence of greenium: the average yield of green bonds is 13.2 basis point lower than conventional bonds in AEs and 181.4 basis points lower in EMDEs. The regression analysis will test the significance of this greenium.

3.3 Regression Specification

The baseline panel regression specification is as follows:

yijt = β 𝕀.Greenijt + γ1Tenorijt + γ2Spreadijt + αj + αt + ɛijt, (1)

where the dependent variable is Z-Spread of bond i of country j at time t, I.Green is a dummy variable for a green bond. Z-Spread is defined as the number of additional basis points to the Treasury yield curve so that the net present value of the bond equals the market price of the bond. Compared to yield to maturity, the Z-Spread uses the entire yield curve in valuation and thus provides a more realistic valuation of the bond.

The baseline control variables include the remaining maturity Tenorijt to control for term premium, bid-ask spread Spreadijt to control for liquidity, country fixed effects aj to control for time invariant country characteristics, and time fixed effects at to control for common time-varying movement in yields. We are interested in the estimate of as it measures the significance of the greenium: the difference in the yield suggested by Z-spread of green versus conventional bonds controlling for maturity and liquidity differences.

Table 2.

Greenium Estimation

How Large is the Sovereign Greenium? (5)

Standard errors in parentheses* p < 0.1, < p < 0:05, *** p < 0.01

Table 2.

Greenium Estimation

Dependent = Z Spread(1)
















Remaining Tenor (months)0.24***








Bid-Ask Spread (BPS)0.75***








Country FEYYYY
Currency FEYYYY
Green Bonds2320158

Standard errors in parentheses* p < 0.1, < p < 0:05, *** p < 0.01

Table 2.

Greenium Estimation

Dependent = Z Spread(1)
















Remaining Tenor (months)0.24***








Bid-Ask Spread (BPS)0.75***








Country FEYYYY
Currency FEYYYY
Green Bonds2320158

Standard errors in parentheses* p < 0.1, < p < 0:05, *** p < 0.01

3.4 Greenium estimate

The estimated average greenium is 4.06 basis points as shown in Column (1) of Table 2. Columns (3) and (4) show that the average greenium in EMDEs is larger at 11.55 bps compared to 2.74 bps in AEs. To ensure that the estimated greenium is not coming from currency risk premia, column (2) shows the estimate when the sample is comprised of euro- and USD-denominated bonds. The result is robust: the estimated greenium amounts to 3.66 basis points.

By country estimate. In addition to the panel regression, we also estimate the greenium in each country using the same specification as in 1 but without country fixed effects. As shown in Figure 2, Egypt has a particularly high greenium of 30 bps, followed by Hungary with a 20 bps greenium. Overall, the estimated greenium is positive in 12 out of 15 countries in the sample.

Synthetic estimation method. As an alternative method, we estimate the yield of a counter-factual conventional bond that has the same characteristics as a greenbond. First, a regression of Z-Spread on tenor, bid-ask spread and weekly fixed effects using conventional bonds is run for each country. Then, the Z-Spread of a counterfactual conventional bond is predicted using the relevant information from the green bond and the coefficients obtained from the regressions.

How Large is the Sovereign Greenium? (6)

How Large is the Sovereign Greenium? (7)

How Large is the Sovereign Greenium? (8)

Greenium Estimation by Country.

Citation: IMF Working Papers 2023, 080; 10.5089/9798400235160.001.A001

Source: Eikon and authors’ calculationsConventional bonds with maturity (in years) [(min of GB-7),(max of GB+7)]

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As shown in Figure 3, this approach allows us to track the greenium estimates over time. For Euro-denominated green bonds, which are by far the largest currency of issuance, the median estimated greenium increases over time despite of a larger dispersion that might be due to more bonds being issued. We also find that USD-denominated bonds show an upward trend in its greenium.

4 Conclusions

The growing popularity of green bonds may allow governments to issue bonds with longer maturities (given the longer horizon of green projects) and at a lower borrowing cost relative to conventional bonds: the greenium. However, the issuances at the sovereign level have been relatively recent and not well documented in the literature. This paper is the first empirical study to estimate the sovereign greenium using both the twin bonds issued by Denmark and Germany, and panel regression analysis. While the estimated greenium in this paper is not large, it has been increasing over time alongside the level of sovereign green bond issuances. Whether the administrative costs associated with green bond issuance exceed the benefit is a country-specific question, but strengthening peer learning and climate information architecture could help reduce the costs and increase the benefits over time (Ferreira et al., 2021, Gao and Schmittmann, 2022). It remains an open question whether the purpose of the project associated with the green bond is a key determinant of the greenium, and whether green bonds have resulted in the climate outcomes they intended to achieve.

How Large is the Sovereign Greenium? (9)

How Large is the Sovereign Greenium? (10)

How Large is the Sovereign Greenium? (11)

Synthetic Greenium Estimation.

Citation: IMF Working Papers 2023, 080; 10.5089/9798400235160.001.A001

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  • Baker, M., Bergstresser, D., Serafeim, G., and Wurgler, J. (2022). ‘The Pricing and Ownership of U.S. Green Bonds’. Annual Review of Financial Economics.

  • Cortellini, G. and Panetta, I. (2021). ‘Green Bond: A Systematic Literature Review for Future Research Agendas’. Journal of Risk and Financial Management.

  • Doronzo, R., Siracusa, V., and Antonelli, S. (2021). ‘Green Bonds: the Sovereign Issuer’s Perspective’. Markets, infrastructures, payment systems working paper 3, Bank of Italy.

  • Ferreira, C., Rozumek, D., Singh, R., and Suntheim, F. (2021). ‘Strengthening the Climate Information Architecture’. IMF Staff Climate Notes, International Monetary Fund.

  • Gao, Y. and Schmittmann, J. (2022). ‘Green Bond Pricing and Greenwashing under Asymmetric Information’. Imf working paper wp/22/246.

  • German Finance Agency (2022). ‘Federal Republic of Germany Green Bond Investor Presentation’.

  • ICMA (2021). ‘Green Bond Principles Voluntary Process Guidelines for Issuing Green Bonds’. Technical report, International Capital Market Association.

  • Maltais, A. and Nykvist, B. (2020). ‘Understanding the role of green bonds in advancing sustainability’. Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment, volume 0, no. 0, 120.

  • OECD (2021). ‘Scaling Up Green, Social, Sustainability and Sustainability-linked Bond Issuances in Developing Countries’. OECD Publishing, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.

A Appendix

Table 3.

Summary Statistics by AE and Green.

How Large is the Sovereign Greenium? (12)

Table 3.

Summary Statistics by AE and Green.

GreenYieldZ SpreadMaturity

Table 3.

Summary Statistics by AE and Green.

GreenYieldZ SpreadMaturity

Table 4.

Only Euro-denominated Bonds.

How Large is the Sovereign Greenium? (13)

Table 4.

Only Euro-denominated Bonds.

GreenYieldZ SpreadMaturity

Table 4.

Only Euro-denominated Bonds.

GreenYieldZ SpreadMaturity

Table 5.

Bond Maturity by Country (min-7,max+7)

How Large is the Sovereign Greenium? (14)

Table 5.

Bond Maturity by Country (min-7,max+7)


Table 5.

Bond Maturity by Country (min-7,max+7)



Green bonds refer to debt securities issued to raise capital earmarked for green projects (see ICMA, 2021).


Doronzo et al. (2021) discuss costs and benefits of sovereign green bond issuance.


To support the liquidity in the green bond, investors can switch the 10-year green twin bond to the corresponding and more liquid conventional bond one-to-one, but not vice versa.

How Large is the Sovereign Greenium? (2024)
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